Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur W. Bengal - Rotary India

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(Formerly Rotary Club of Jadavpur)

Rotary Club of Jadavpur was sponsored by Rotary Club South Calcutta in 1978 under the guidance of the GRR PP Rtn. Burman & PP Rtn. K. K. Navada. After the classification survey, Rotary Club of jadavpur was formed with 22 members, with Rtn. O. P. Kapila as President, Rtn. D. B. Ghosh as Vice-President and Rtn. S. Chowdhury as Secretary, on 6th March 1978. In July 1978, Rtn. Kapila who was with Jay Engineering resigned from the club and moved to Ranchi, Vice President D. B. Ghosh took charge as President, PDG Rtn. Mani Poddar, the then District Goveror encouraged Rotary Club of Jadavpur and the Charter was finally granted by Rotary International on 30th December 1978. The Installation Meeting was held on 15th April 1979 and Rtn. D. B. Ghosh was installed as the Charter President.

1979-80 President : Rtn. D. B. Ghosh
After the initial euphoria of belonging to the Rotary Family, the cub started in full earnest in following the Avenues of Service with R.I. President James L. Bomar’s theme “LET SERVICE LIGHT THE WAY” RCJ made its debut within its territory by starting a free Homeo Dispensary at Santoshpur/ Jadavpur and at the District level by embarking on the project of Mass Polio Immunisation of children. It further lit the way by its unique One year Diploma Course of Industrial Production and Marketing - a work education based course. At the District Assemby, RCJ won the prize for the highest attendance. During the Rotary Year 1979-80, the Club’s buletin ‘AHANA’ was started.

1980-81 President : Rtn. K. K. Maitra
Taking R.I. President Rolf J. Klarich’s theme “TAKE TIME TO SERVE”, RCJ took time to survey and reach out to additional schools within its territory for distributing books and awarding scholarships to meritorious students. RCJ also gave their time and talent to the Diploma Course on Work Education by helping in the teaching and administration. RCJ also hosted the visiting GSE team from USA. As a donation, RCJ contributed RS. 8000/- towards the operation of a rheumatic heart patient. During this Rotary year, the Rotaract Club of Jadavpur was formed and together with this Club, a blood donation camp was organised.

1981-82 President : Rtn. T. K. Jagadeesh
For this Rotary Year, R.I. President Stanley E. Mccaffray gave “WORLD UNDERSTANDING & PEACE THROUGH ROTARY” as the theme. RCJ and Mr. Don Caston, the London Polytechnic, renowned for his devising low cost artificial limbs and supports, helped establish international understanding through their shared concern for the orthopaedically handicapped. RCJ participated in the District organised Sports for the Handicapped. World Understanding & Peace was further fostered with four more RCJ members becoming Paul Harris Fellows and one more Paul Harris Sustaining Member, raising the total to five Paul Harris Fellows and nine Paul Harris Sustaining Members. Two candidates were forwarded for the GSE Programme and three for the Rotary Foundation Scholarship Awards. Another candidate was selected for the Rotary Foundation Educational Scholarship Award 1983-84. RCJ President T. K. Jagadeesh and six members attended the R.I. President’s South Asia Conference of Goodwill, in New Delhi in 1981, in keeping with the year’s theme. RCJ’s contribution to the Rotary movement was recognised at the District Level. It’s charter President Rtn. D. B. Ghosh was appointed a GGR, PP Rtn. K. K. Maitra, Chairman of the District Blood Donation Committee, and Rtn. T. K. Jagadeesh, Co-ordinator of the GSE team of Dist. 530 visiting Dist. 329 in March/ April ‘83. Once again the club was awarded for the highest attendance at the District Assembly and Intercity Meet.

1982-83 President : Rtn. A. Bhattacharyya
In keeping with R.I President Hiroji Mukasa’s theme “MANKIND IS ONE-BUILD BRIDGESOF FRIENDSHIP THROUGHTOUT THE WORLD” RCJ fostered and participated in large number at the District functions/ Intercity Meets. It also organised the Rotary Charity Ball, the first of its kind in the District in aid of community service projects. The Continuing Project was given further assistance. The Club bulletin was converted into a weekly bulletin. Closer ties were established with the Rotaract Club of Jadavpur by involving the Rotaractors in the second Inter College Debate held during the Youth Service Week. During the year the WCS Project on Mass Immunisation was accepted as Project 1743 in the WCS Library. Also Rtn. Amitava Bhattacharyya was appointed GGR. Other members of RCJ were also appointed at the District level.

1983-84 President : Rtn. J. C. Dutta
R.I. President William E. Skeltron gave the theme “SHARE ROTARY SERVE PEOPLE” and RCJ applied this message in its Rural Development Programme where it adopted the village Chowbaga and served the community thereby undertaking various activities such as erecting a bus stand shelter, distributing books and stationery, helping the vocational training centre. The continuing project were helped to serve the people better.

1984-85 President : Rtn. P. K. Roychowdhury
R.I. President Carlos Canseco gave theme “DISCOVER A NEW WORLD OF SERVICE” and RCJ endeavoured to look for new dimensions of service within the existing avenues. To foster fellowship, RCJ staged “Manmoyee Girls School”, which was much enjoyed. The Rotary Ball also contributed towards fellowship and fund raising. The visiting GSE team from USA visited the adopted village Chowbaga and appreciated the warmth and hospitality of the villagers. To encourage the hope, joy and determination of the inmates of Spastic Society of Eastern India, RCJ donated Rs. 18,000/-. RCJ received financial aid from Rotary Clubs in the USA, Malaysia, Belgium and Japan for community service.

1985-86 President : Rtn. K. K. Basu Roy
R.I. President Edward F. Cadman’s theme “YOU ARE THE KEY” prompted RCJ to coordinate a plan by which an orphan from Calcutta was adopted by an American couple thus opening a new world of hope. RCJ also purchased a plot of land to build Rotary Karma Shiksha Bhawan, a centre for educational/ vocational projects and thus gave the key to progress to its adopted village Chowbaga. The Rotary year 1985-86 saw the formation of the Inner Wheel Club of Jadavpur on 9.9.85 with Anne (Dr.) Anita Pakrashi as the first President. During this year also RCJ mourned the untimely passing away of its IPP Rtn. P. K. Roy Chowdhury.

1986-87 President : Rtn. S. Chowdhury
In his message for the installation ceremony, R.I. President Mat Caparas urged fellow Rotarians to employ their resources to benefit the greatest number of needy people and also to attract the rest of the community to join in the effort so as to give truth to the claim that “ROTARY BRINGS HOPE”. In the areas of community service, RCJ sponsored an annual fee of RS. 1200/- for a handicapped child and also donated ceiling fans, torches etc. to the ‘Helping Senior Citizens Project’. By extending a helping hand, RCJ enkindled a hope to those in the sunrise and twilight of life. RCJ also donated generously to the District Hospital Project at SaltLake. The new Rotary Programme-Rotary Village Corps took shape in the form of RVC at village Chowbaga with volunteers also doing their part to help us reach areas of human need.

1987-88 President : Rtn. J. K. Datta
R.I. President Charles C. Keller’s Message “ROTARIANS - UNITED IN SERVICE, DEDICATED TO PEACE” saw RCJ combining its efforts with R.C. Malda during the flood relief operations. The rural development programme saw the completion of the Rotary Karma Siksha Bhawan building and the setting up of the welfare centres within the premises.

1988-89 President : Rtn. Dr. S. C. Pakrashi
R.I. president H. Royce Abbey urged Rotarians to “PUT LIFE INTO ROTARY - YOUR LIFE” and RCJ fulfilled this pledge in sharing their time and talent with the villagers of Chowbaga, Ranigachi and Basanti. During the year a lot of emphasis was given to encourage sports among the young. In village Chowbaga there is an aura of warmth and homeliness among the RCJ members and villagers. Vocational training continued during the year under review. The RVC increased in number.

1989-90 President : Rtn. S. N. Ghosh
R.I. President Hugh M. Archer’s message was “ENJOY ROTARY” and RCJ surely does as can be seen from their fellowship and get-togethers among themselves, with IWC Jadavpur, with Rotaract Club of Jadavpur, Guest Speakers, visiting Rotarians. The roving ambassadors visit other clubs as visiting Rotarians on goodwill visits, as Guest Speakers, etc. RCJ celebrated the tercentenary of Calcutta by staging the audio-visual programme, Calcutta 300 which was very entertaining and informative. RVC took up the project of constructing a village road at Ranigachi. During the year RCJ had a number of eminent Guest Speakers whose topics ranged from ‘Campus at Dallas’ to ‘Adventure by Car’ to ‘Gulf Experience’ to ‘Social Work in West Germany’. The Rotaract Club hosted the First South Asian DRR’s of 16 Districts.

1990-91 President : Rtn. D. Das
With R.I. President Paul V. C. Costa’s theme ‘ HONOUR ROTARY WITH FAITH AND ENTHUSIASM’ and RCJ’s dedication to the cause of Rotary, every endeavour was made to ensure that the existing projects run smoothly. RCJ added ann Embroidery Training Wing to the existing tailoring institute, opened a Charitable Homeo Dispensary and organised an open air musical function at Chowbaga. For Fellowship, besides the get-togethers, RCJ staged ‘Kenaram Becharam’. RCJ also extended hospitality to the visiting GSE team from Sweden. As part of the ‘Preserve Planet Earth’ Programme, RCJ distributed coconut saplings and flower seeds. RCJ jointly held the District Intercity Meet on Drug Abuse Prevention and contributed to the District

Fund for treatment of Drug Addicts. RCj also jointly held two District Intercity Meetings on Rotary Information and Membership Development. In the area of Rotary Extension, RCJ sponsored two new Clubs, namely ROTARY CLUB OF BARASATOUTER and ROTARY CLUB OF CALCUTTA GOLF GREEN. The Rotaract Club of Jadavpur was also very active during the year and its Past President has been selected DRR for 1991-92. In recognition of the all round performance of the Club, RCJ was awarded the First Prize for Vocational Service, and Second Prize for Club Sevice, as well as for Community Srevice - Rural Development, at the District Level.

1991-92 President : Rtn. B. B. Sengupta Kabiraj
The year 1991-92 has been unique for RCJ in two respects. First, this year Rotary worldwide was led by RIP Rtn. Raja Saboo, only the second Indian elected to the high office and then the Club was successful in getting its candidate PP Rtn. Amitava Bhattacharyya elected as DGN 93-94. In keeping with President Raja’s clarion call of ‘LOOK BEYOND YOURSELLF’, the Club continued to work in the same direction. All activities at village Chowbaga were consollidated beginning with a new look Bus Shelter with RCC structure and ending with a highly successful ‘Science & M.C.H Exhibition’. In between, the tailoring & Embroidery Instt, Adult Education Centre, Typewriting Instt. and Immunisation Centres all carried on with their work vigorously. Both RVC’s at Chowbaga and Ranigachi worked constantly and enthusiastically. A functional litercy Project was launched at Chowbaga jointly with RC Calcutta Golf Green with a view to providing training to villagers on preservation and better utilisation of agricultural produce. RCJ this year was quite active at the District level. First, it co-hosted a week-long ‘EDP’ Project along with seven other clubs at Dakshin Jagatdal (South 24 Parganas), then co-hosted two Inter City Meetings on ‘ Environment & Ecology’ - one of them as lead Club, co-hosted one Intercity Meeting on ‘Youth Today & Tomorrow’. The Club also participated wholleheartedly in all the other District activities like District Assembly, District Conference, District Awards function, RIP’s visits etc. The Club made a further contribution of Rs. 9,500/- to the Dist. Hospital Project. RCJ maintained its excellent fellowship traditions both inside and outside the Club. Goodwill Teams visited all but three Clubs in the District and it nurtured the two new Clubs that it sponsored last year - RC’s Calcutta Golf Green and Barasat Outer to the best of its abilities. The Rotaractors, volunteers of the two RVC’s and the family members of Rotarians formed an excellent Partnership in Service. The Club conducted excellent Vocational Training and was able to provide employment to seven of the twenty successful trainees so far. In short, RCJ kept its head high and ‘LOOKED BEYOND ITSELF’ meaningfully during the year.

1992-93 President : Rtn. L. S. Prasad
Despite the Countrywide uneasiness consequent to December disturbances, RCJ continued all its ongoing projects in full swing. Activities in villlage Chowbaga were further consolidated with sponsoring the Week-long ‘Jatra Festival’ which attracted more than 2000 people. Participation in RYLA and other Youth projects were noteworthy and the RVC Chowbaga as usual, remaining one of the most active and best organised in the whole District. Vocational Training Projects have been advertised and responses received. Out of the numerous applications two have started receiving training. The Club had the proud privilege of having Rtn. Magfuruddin Ahmed, DGN R.I. Dist. 3280 amongst its members. It has also kept its commitments to TRF. All this time RCJ members proudly believed the “REAL HAPPINESS IS HELPING OTHERS”.

1993-94 President : Rtn. N. C. Dutta
RI President Robert Barth’s theme of ‘BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU DO AND DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN’, had been perfect for RCJ, because that was exactly what Rotarians of RCJ had been doing over the years. We believed that our RVC at Chowbaga was functioning very well and so all projects in collaboration with them continued. We believed that the Haemophilia Society’s Calcutta Chapter needed help in modernising their laboratories and so we stepped in. We believed we could strengthen TRF and so gave our best to it, making two new Paul Harris Fellows. President Niresh bagged as many as four citations. The crowning glory was of course, hosting the District Conference 1994 which will remain one of the most successful, glittering and eventful District Conference ever. All along, the Club rendered all the support and cooperation to DG Amitava Bhattacharyya who was RCJ’s own.

1994-95 President : Rtn. Bijon Mukherjee
President Bill Huntley called upon each Rotarian to ‘BE A FRIEND’. So did RCJ’s 16thPresident Bijon, and a friend he did become - to all and sundry. Fellowship was excellent, membership remained stagnant but solid, Community Service continued with full swing with new projects at Boinchitala Village near Chowbaga and finalisation of the project with Haemophilia Society. Projects at Chowbaga continued with zeal with opening of a new homeopathic Clinic and a Blood Grouping Camp. Substantial financial help was extended to three terminally ill patients. Both Vocational courses in collaboration with Siksha Samsad were successfully completed. Overall, the Club remainded a friendly, vibrant and cohesive unit throughout.

1995-96 President : Rtn. Dr. K. P. Mitra
RI President Herbert G. Brown’s Call to ‘ACT WITH INTEGRITY, SERVE WITH LOVE AND WORK FOR PEACE’ is exactly what was followed in the Club during 1995-96. We have been true in our failures. We had tried to serve our communuty and the RVC Community. We collectively worked for peace. During the year, the new RVC Boinchitala was established and the emphasis was to nourish the new RVC with blood grouping camps, tailoring classes and donation of two low Cost Village Ambulance to both the RVC’s Knitting classes commenced at RVC Chowbaga in addition to tailoring classes. A five member GSE team from IDAHO, USA were our guests. District Programmes like RYLA, Multi District RVC Conference, Consumer Awareness and Enterpreneurship Development Programmes were cohosted by our Club, Matching Grants Project - Blood Bank were approved by RI Trustees. Overall, the Club became more vibrant after the venue was shifted to Chakrabaithak.

1996-97 President : Rtn. Mrinal K. Biswas
RI President Luis Vicente Giay gave stress on future of Rotary and urged upon all Rotarians worldwide to ‘BUILD THE FUTURE WITH ACTION AND VISION’. RCJ promptly took the cue and organised ‘New Generation’ projects. Youth activities had always been the club’s forte and all projects were pursued with relentless zeal. The club was very active in prompting International Youth Projects. Ms. Subhra Ganguly, RCJ’s Nominee, was selected as a member of the District GSE team to the US. The Club also received a matching grant of US$ 12,000 from RI for setting up a captive Blood bank at the Haemophilia Society, Calcutta Chapter with active co-operation of RC Shades Valley, Birmingham, USA (RI Dist. 6860). Throughout the year, RCCJ maintained its enviable record of warm fellowship, committed service in all Avenues in the truest Rotary traditions. In recognition of its services, RCCJ received Presidential citation this year too. All the existing club prijects were successfully continued. The club actively participated in Pulse Polio project. The name of the club was to be changed to Rotary Club of Calcutta - Jadavpur w.e.f 1st July 1997.

1997-98 President : Rtn. S. K. Dhar
The name of the club changed to Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur. Right from the beginning of the year, the Club geared up to live up to the R.I. President Glen W. Kinross’ clarion call ‘SHOW ROTARY CARES’. By taking up projects in Community Services, the Club organised and executed programmes on environment awareness and blood grouping, donated allopathic medicines and ran homeopathy clinics. Vocational Service has always ranked high in the Club’s priority and in keeping with the tradition the Club held career guidance programmes and participated in EDP courses. Tailoring, Knitting and Typewriting classes continued throughout the year. The Club extended financial assistance for education of slum and street children so that the children may acquire literacy and numeracy skills. The Club maintained its high tradition of fellowship, both interclub and intraclub. Goodwill Teams visited a large number of Clubs in the District, took part in the District fellowship programmes. The club has received the RI President’s Citation this year as well. RCCJ not only devoted itself to SHOW that ROTARY CARES but also inspired others to show that they care for the community.

1998-99 President : Rtn. Prabir Ghosh
With the call of the RI President James L. Lacy to “FOLLOW YOUR ROTARY DREAMS” every Rotarian had a dream to fufill. All the members charged forward with various activities. Programmes for health check up in School for backward section of the society, health check up, eye care and child care at RCC Boinchtala and RCC Chowbaga and revitalising the RCC Boinchtala were the main focus. Club’s Dream Project “Open Heart Surgery Unit” at The Institute of Child Health received its sanction for a total of USD 72,000 out of which our Club’s contribution was USD 12,000. International Sponsors were the Dist. Governors of Dist. 2640, 2660, and 2770 all from Japan. Once acheived, this will be a unique historic achievement of the Club in Dist. 3290. The Club added another milestone during the year - 10 members became Paul Harris Fellows and the Club conferred Paul Harris Fellows to 3 nonRotarians for their significant contribution for the Club’s Dream Project. The Club also contributed USD 1,000 towards Annual Giving. In an eventful year, the Club celebrated its 1000th Weekly Meeting at a glittering function on 21st September, 1999 with all its past members and their families. Here all the Past Presidents were recognised for their valuable contribution to Rotary. The Club received the RI President’s and the District Governor’s citation. Our RCC Boinchtalla was adjudged the 2nd best RCC in the District and was awarded other prizes for Youth activities, Mother and Child Care and Environment and ecology RCCJ members not only have dreams to fulfill but also to “ACT WITH CONSISTENCY, CREDIBILITY, CONTINUITY” in Rotary 2000.

1999-2000 President : Rtn. Sambhu N. Banerjee
At the beginning of the Rotary Year, a conscious decision was taken to consolidate - be it RCC, or neighbourhood, or be it relationship. In case of RCC, many innovations were tried which benefited the under-privileged. It is known that among the villagers, women are most neglected. For the first time, an exclusive camp for women folk was organised at RCC Boinchtala with help from specialists, Marie Stopes for a complete health checkup including gynaecological tests and even cancer detection. Family Welfare counselling was not forgotten either, which encouraged village women to volunteer for sterilization. Similarly, for RCCs, schemes were identified and pursued for income generation and upliftment of women. 500 fruit saplings were distributed in two RCCs with an eye to its potential for income generation. Among the women trained at Boinchtala Tailoring Centre, ten sewing machines were provided to enable them to supplement family income. For RCC Chowbaga, a Project for Vocational training with six Knitting Machines was approved by RCC India Foundation in the very first lot of sanctions after it came into existence. In the neighbourhood, low profile schools were encouraged in many ways-by participating in Independence Day Programme, recognising teachers, rewarding meritorious students, organising painting contest, holding career counselling programmes, tree plantations etc. In the history of long relationship with Jadavpur Association, it was a privilege to add another feather by starting Senior Citizen’s Centre, to which the community’s response was overwhelming. Finally, in the Club’s Dream Project, “Open Heart Surgery Unit” at Institute of Chilld Health, the most significant progress was achieved during the year by procuring all equipment under the RI Matching Grant of US $ 72,000. In addition, we applied and received sanction during this Rotary Year, Matching Grant for US $ 3000 to help provide six tubewells in two RCCs. The Club continued its support to the Rotary Foundation with two more members and one more non-member registering for PHF, and was approaching steadily towards the landmark of 100% PHF members.For all schemes however, objectives were common, which were ----- CONSISTENCY, CREDIBILITY, CONTINUITY.

2000-2001 President : Rtn. Jaydeb Banerjee
This year right from the beginning, the Club was geared up to go ahead with the clarion call given by RI President Frank J. Devlyn ‘CREATE AWARENESS AND TAKE ACTION”. The Club made feasible plans for the all four avenues of service. Fellowship was at its peak. Apart from gettogethers, a launch cruise and overnight trip to Digha was organised. Club donated eight sewing machines at RCC Boinchtala and six knitting machines at RCC Chowbaga. At Naktala Guide, disabled and financially distressed persons were provided with one Singer leather stiching machine, one Sewing machine and one Knitting machine. Programmes for Literacy, eye check-up camps, health care, mother and child care were organised. Rotary Karmasiksha Bhavan was built at RCC Boinchtala. Significant works were done for the Youth. Football Coaching Camp, RYLA, All Bengal Yoga Comptetions amongst others were sponsored. Club went all out to help victims of West Bengal Flood and Gujrat Earthquake. Seven District events were co-sponsored by the Club. Under Matching Grant, 125 IOL micro surgeries were perfomed at Eve Pavilion for the financially distressed people. Six deep tubewells were sunk at RCC Chowbaga, RCC Boinchtala and adjacent villages under the Matching Grant received by the Club. Our Dream Project, the ‘Paediatric Open Heart Surgery Unit’ at ICH was inaugurated on 25th November by Shri Viren J. Shah, the Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal followed by numbers of Cardiac surgeries. The Club provided financial assistance Cardiac Surgeries. Club dinated HP module, an attachment to the Cardiac Monitor and work as Blood Gas Analyser at TCVRC Unit of ICH. 20 double bed sheets and 40 curtains were donated at ICH. 3 members became PHSM this year. The Rotary Club’s activities in different avenues of service got wide coverage in press and increased the image of the Club. Club received accolades from the District. Club won the 1st prize on ‘Rotary’s Image and Public Relation’. Won the prize for ‘Outstanding Club’ in the District. Our Pediatric Open Heart Surgery Project won the prize for ‘Outstanding Project’ in the District. 2nd prize was awarded to the Club for work done at RCC and 3rd prize was given for Community Service. Club received RI President’s Citation and Dist. Governor’s Citation. Further, Club received the award for Outstanding President in appreciation for Outstanding Service to Rotary Pro Active Year 2000-01. The members of the RCCJ throughout the year worked together with a mission ‘To Create Awareness and Take Action’.

2001-2002 President : Rtn. Dr. Anita Pakrashi
Right from the beginning of the year, the Club focussed its activities on health and family welfare of the community, women empowerment, development of youth apart from the carefully planned programmes of all avenues of services commensurate with the focal theme of the year MANKIND IS OUR BUSINESS set by the RI President, Richard D. King. Thus, special emphasis was laid on the “global quest” on the membership development leading to 37% net membership growth, the highest so far for the Club. For the first time in the history of the club an Interact Club was formed that too in a school for the underprivileged. The revival of the erstwhile defunct Rotaract Club of Jadavpur and the formation of a new RCC at Gopalnagar, South 24-Parganas with a population of nearly ten thousand are the other notable achievements of the year. The newly formed Rotaract and Interact Clubs were properly nurtured after initiation. In the Community Service (Medical), the Club organized a special awareness programme on Osteoporosis with bone density measurement for all the participants. A Heart check-up camp with free ECG recording, Eye Camp and IOL operation and Blood donation camp were organized in collaboration with the newly formed RCC at Gopalnagar. A diabetes check-up camp with free blood sugar estimation, blood pressure and BMI determination and MCH project with baby show competiition were held at RCC Chowbaga. In the women empowerment programme, developed self-help groups at RCC Boinchtala and Chowbaga. Girls from RCC Boinchtala were given scholarships for the 2 yr. course of training on block printing at Nari Seva Sangha. Vocational training center for sewing, health trainer training and adult literacy programmes have been initiated at NEW RCC Gopalnagar. Trees and saplings were provided to the RCCs Boinchtala and Chowbaga for environment protection as well as income generation. In the Youth Service, the Club sponsored RYLA Camp at Narendrapur in which Secretary Rtn. Badal Chakraborty was selected as the Camp Commander and our Interactors bagged 32 prizes in different competitions and one of them, Miss Turna Das became the camp champion. Interschool Sports was organized at RCC Chowbaga in which more than 300 students of 17 schools under 5 Police Stations participated. Various programmes were adopted for the benefit of children at risk, our special concern this year. The Club distributed books and other materials to slum area school children of Utsarga and Udbhas, Hepatitis B Vaccination camp was organized with follow up mostly for slum area children. A Sishu Mahal for training of street children has been initiated at Bagha Jatin Palit in collaboration with Tarun Sangha. The Club activities in different avenues of service got wide publicity and coverage in the leading English and Bengali dailies thus enhancing the increased immage of the Club. The District also awarded Citations in recognition of the activities, namely Club Reporting, significant Project for Children at Risk, significant Community Service Project (Medical), longest ‘Banish Polio’ Banner and Rotary-Rotaract Relations.

2002-2003 President : Rtn. Abhijit Sen
Drawing inspiration from RI President Bhichai Rattakul’s call to “Sow the Seeds of Love”, the club embarked on various activities directed at Sowing the Seeds of Love – love for humanity through improving the quality of life. The year 2002-2003 was the Silver Jubilee Year of the club. The occasion was celebrated in a befitting manner in a solemn function attended, among other dignitaries, by the Hon’ble Minister Sri Manab Mukhopadhyaya. The club inducted two distinguished personalities, Mr. Shib Shankar Mukherjee, MD of EIH Limited and Shri Ashok Nath Basu, Vice Chancellor, Jadavpur University as Honorary Members. Attention was focussed to help and encourage students in their studies, particularly in computer education. Computers have been donated to several schools. Computers have also been donated to 3 Rotary Clubs through joint projects with those clubs. Scholarships and prizes were given to needy and meritorious students. Career counselling by eminent academician was organised for students of higher class students. Careful attention was also focussed on RCCs for vocational and academic improvement. Cycle Rickshaw Vans were given to under privileged persons in the RCCs. Mosquito nets were distributed under Micro Credit Scheme. Text Books, Pencils, Erasers and Exercise Books were donated for the benefit of students in our RCC at Gopalnagar. For extending medical help, camps were organised for Hepatitis B vaccination, blood grouping and diabetes check up. The club received approval to a Matching Grant project from TRF worth about US $ 5000 for open heart surgery of 10 children. Programmes were also organised to maintain and further strengthen the traditional bond of fellowship among the RCCJ members.

2003-04 President : Rtn. Samirendu Dutta
From the very beginning, our focus was on “Continuity” by which the club put emphasis on LEND A HAND to Projects which would be sustained. Literacy was one such Project at RCC Gopalnagar which covered school dropouts, village housewives and middle-aged farmers. The reward we received was the sight of beaming seventeen village housewives who became literate, and promised that their children too would be literate. Another such Project was for income generation of unemployed youth which was launched at RCC Bainchtala in July 2003 through training in Piggery Farming. Highlight of this Project was a four-days’ Training Programme in modern Techniques of Piggery Farming which was attended by over 30 unemployed youth. This Training Programme was conducted by experts from West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences. At a time when cultivable land is becoming fewer, there was an imperative need to pay attention to fisheries, piggeries and the like which generated employment as well as income. In practice subsequent to Training, 16 participants started earning livelihood from their new vocation, as market was assured. Considering the potential of such Programmes for income generation among unemployed youth

Doordarshan Kendra, Kolkata covered the entire event by a 16 minute exclusive feature production with interviews of beneficiaries. Our Rotary Club continued to support this programme by organising quality piglets from Govt. of West Bengal at Haringhata. Furthermore, expert medical advice was sustained through West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences. On the same philosophy of “Continuity” while Eye-Camps were held at RCC Chowbaga and Bainchtala, in addition a twice-a-month Free Eye Clinic was set up at RCC Chowbaga in association with Eye Care & Research Centre for benefit of the residents of surrounding villages including RCC Bainchtala. On the other hand we also identified new opportunities for humanitarian Projects and relationships were established by way of initial donations with three different organisations who were engaged in Service to mentally challenged (BODHAYAN), visually handicapped (WELFARE SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND) as well as for senior citizens (SAROJ NALINI DUTT MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION). Another area of focus was our ROTARACT CLUB which was nearly defunct at the beginning of the Rotary Year. We are happy to report that by inviting them to Club meetings repeatedly and by involving them in our Projects like Tree Plantation, Pulse Polio and so on Rotaract Club was adequately activated. Inspiteof being a small Rotaract club, they became enthusiastic enough to take up challenging Projects like Career Counselling for College Girls, Eye Camp for over 200 patients, etc. Similarly, Interact Club too was encouraged. While they continued to receive support and appreciation for their Street Children Project, they participated actively in our First-Aid Training Project at Bagha Jatin Balika Vidyalaya. It was indeed a great pleasure that after a long time, a candidate from our Club, Ms. Chandreyee Sen, daughter of Rtn. Dr. Tamal Sen, was selected for Youth Exchange Team, and visited Germany from R.I.Dist. 3290. There were many more Projects like Blood Grouping of School Children courtesy RM Laboratories and in association with Inner Wheel Club of Jadavpur, Health check-up Camps at RCC Gopalnagar and RCC Chowbaga and so on. We started implementation of the Matching Grant Project for 10(ten) Open Heart Surgeries for underprivileged children at the Institute of Child Health. We also initiated as well as completed few formalities for the first time viz., completed Registration of Jadavpur Trust, obtained Registration with Ministry of Home Affairs for FCRA. For the first time, Bidesher Pratidin, an overseas publication of Pratidin newspaper, carried a write-up on the activities of our Rotary Club. We enjoyed the Rotary year through fellowship, quality programmes and meaningful Projects in which participation from Senior Past Presidents was exemplary along with other members and we prepared ourselves to CELEBRATE ROTARY in the Rotary Year 2004-05.

2004-05 President : Rtn. Gautam Chakravarty
The year began with its theme “CELEBRATE ROTARY” with a plantation ceremony on the day of Installation. The club continued all its existing projects like Literacy, Mother & Child Care and open heart surgery. It introduced Income generation Seminars, training of the women community in association with Nehru Juba Kendra. With this, it was able to introduce Income generation scheme at both RCC Gopalnagar and Boinchtalla under the banner of ‘SELF HELP GROUP’. Fourteen young boys from RCC Boinchtalla formed ‘AIKETAN SWANIRVAR GOSTI’ and have started vegetable supply business and are supplying vegetables to ITC Sonar Bangla and others. 10 WC toilets were completed at RCC Gopalnagar and during the Centenary year sponsored a Children’s park there. As usual the Club co-hosted the District RYLA and this time also co-hosted the International RYLA. Amongst the children sponsored by the Club to the International RYLA, one bagged the Best Campers prize. Donated a complete cricket kit, footballs and a computer to N. K. Pal Adarsa Boy’s School. The Club completed 10 open heart surgery till date under the Matching Grants programme. It continued to support the Pulse Polio programme. Let us all continue to serve the Community with ‘SERVICE ABOVE SELF.’

2005-06 President : Rtn. Dr. Partha P. Roy
For this Rotary Year R.I President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer gave “SERVICE ABOVE SELF” as the theme. It kindled the spark among the members not to take this motto for granted. From the very beginning the Club was focused on working on issues dealing with health, literacy and self-employment which addressed the need of our community with true Rotary Spirit. The Club made feasible plans for all the four avenues of service.

  • The Club undertook a joint project with IMA Tollygunge Branch for the ‘Eradication of Anaemia’ at
    RCC Chowbaga. Blood tests were done fort he female patients and free medicines were distributed.
    Blood donation & health check-up camps were conducted at Jadavpur, RCC Boinchtala and RCC
  • The Club’s dream project, a diagnostic center, was set up at RCC Gopalnagar at a cost of Rs. 65,000
    /- where the beneficiaries will be approximately 25,000 villagers.
  • A computer was donated to a drug detoxification center.
  • Financial assistance were provided to cardiac by-pass surgery patients. Medicines worth Rs. 8000/ - was distributed at the Youth Development Center at Diamond Harbor for flood affected areas. ‘Mother & Child Care’ workshop was conducted at RCC Gopalnagar. Clothes were distributed for orphan children at Naktala.
  • A joint program with IWC Jadavpur was done on literacy for street children at Baghajatin slum area. Continued adult literacy program at RCC Gopalnagar. Co-sponsored sit & draw competition at Tarun Sangstha, Santoshpur.
  • Organized vocational classes of bamboo work at RCC Gopalnagar and jute handicrafts work. A 15 day training program in making footwear was conducted for the youth at RCC Chowbaga.
  • Co-sponsored the RCC District Assembly and RYLA. Members had donated US $400 to Rotary Foundation. A football tournament was organized at RCC Chowbaga.
  • A joint club meeting was organized with RC South Calcutta and RC Dhakuria.
  • Fellowship was at its peak. A club picnic and a number of fellowship programs were organized observing “Bijoya Sammelani” and other occasions.

2006-07 President : Rtn. Krishna Lakhani
R I President William B Boyd called upon each Rotarian with his theme “Lead The Way”. The club continued to work in the same way , RCCJs dedication to the cause of Rotary, every endeavour was made to ensure that the existing projects run smoothly. The club continued all its existing projects like Literacy Mother and Child Care at RCC Gopal nagar and RCC Chowbaga, existing project like a diagnostic center at Gopalnagar, eye checkup camp along with IOL surgery of five patients was done at Aykatan, Laketown. Other eye checkup camps , one at RCC Gopalnagar where 264 patients were examined, 20 numbers of IOL were done and free specs were given to 125 patients. Another eye checkup camp was held at RCC Chowbaga, with the help of Eye Care Research Centre Kolkata. Our club sponsored villagers affected by cyclone at Gopalnagar. RCCJ members sponsored three young Graduates for training in the field of Medical Sales Representatives. Two sewing machines donated to the Jadavpur Association ladies wing for training and one sewing machine was donated to the Mahila Samiti of Saroj Nalini Dutt Memorial Association. Co-sponsored Teachers Day felicitation progamme, RCC Multi District programme at Digha, Multi District RYLA camp and another with RC Narendrapur. Co-sponsored Zonal 12 Rota Quiz. Sponsored clothes distribution programme for destitute children with Naktala United Friends Association. Distributed musical instruments with Inner Wheel Club of Jadavpur to Society for the Blind for opening a band service. Many eminent speakers were invited in the RWM of RCCJ. RCCJ applied for a Matching Grant of Rs. 10,22,000/- for a fully equipped air-conditioned Cardiac Care Ambulance which has been approved by TRF with a Matching Grant No. 62496 . The project is under implimentation. Our total cash contribution to the TRF during the year was $ 5924.87. Three Rotarians became MPHF three Rotarians became PHF and two non Rotarians also became PHF during the year. Programmes were also organized to maintain and further strengthen the traditional bond of fellowship among the RCCJ members.

2007-08 President : Rtn. Nithar Kr. Chowdhury
R I President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson called upon that “Rotary Shares” the things that should be shared with humanity, Kindness, time and resources. Right from the beginning of the year, the clubs geared fully to go ahead with the above clarion call by R.I. President and donated an Air Conditioned Ambulance fully equipped with Cardiac Care equipments to Ramkrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan - a leading hospital in Kolkata for transportation of patients to the hospital in a safe way. This year Eye-check up Camps were held at all the three RCCs at Gopalnagar, Boinchitala and Chowbagha, IOL Surgery was carried out at a very low cost and space were distributed free. A RCC water tank of 4000ltr Capacity was constructed at RCC Chowbagha to store drinkable water supplied by KMC. The club continued all its existing projects like Literacy, Mother and Child Care at RCC Chowbagha and Gopalnagar, diagnostic Centre at Gopalnagar. Free spectacles were donated to NGO PROCHESTA for distribution to under priviledged community. A Computer Training Centre in Colaboration with ANUDIP FOUNDATION had been established at RCC Chowbagha to train boys &girls of under proviledged Community at a very low cost. 1st batch of students have come out and certificates distributed to deserving Candidates. 2nd Batch is in progress. Fellowship was at his peak. Biroya Sammilani and Naba Baoshar Adda were arranged. Club picnic was organised at a Guest House of PHED at South 24pgs at the bank of River Bhagirathi. This year Club had donated US $ 800 to TRF and two of the members has become PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS.

2008-09 President : Rtn. (Dr.) Chhabinath Mandal
RI President Dong Kurn Lee started his term by announcing “In 2008-09, I will ask you all to MAKE DREAMS REAL for the world’s children. This will be our theme, and my challenge to all of you.” The Club responded to the call of President D. K. Lee by distributing study materials and food packets to the students of UDBHAS, a school for slum children, on the very first day of the Rotary Year 2008-09. To improve the quality and living conditions of girl children we adopted a girls’ school, Santoshpur Rishi Aurobindo Balika Vidyapith, with a strength of about 450 students, most of which come from the underprivileged section of the society. We carried out a number of activities for this year: (a) Celebrated Independence Day with the students and recognized the achievements students in the Board Examinations, (b) En Eye-Check-up camp with follow-up treatments were done, (c) An Interacter Club has been formed, (d) Safe Drinking water has been provided. On the very first month of this Rotary Year, the new RCC, ‘HUMAN CARE’ was inaugurated at Madhya Shibpur and a program on Mother and Child care was arranged. Most of the members of this RCC are women and subsequently some projects were undertaken to empower the women of that area, e.g. an adult education center, a sewing school and a Zari Work training center. We maintained our good relation with the other RRCs and carried out joint projects with them. Maintained computer education at RCC Chowbaga and adult education at Gopalnagar. 1500th Weekly Meeting of our Club was celebrated performing various activities and colourful programs with our family members, Inner Wheel Club member, DG, other district officials, Service Partners and guests. Bijoya Dasami and Dewali meet of our club was held in association with the Inner wheel club, family members and guests. We participated in Polio programme by distributing materials in immunization camps. We sponsored two District Events on Heritage and Women Empowerment.

2009-2010 President : Rtn. Debatosh Sahu

1. 10 new members were inducted and thus the total membership growth was 38.46%.

2. A Drama “Chhadyabeshi” was successfully staged on 27th February 2010 at Dr Triguna Sen Auditorium of Jadavpur University.

3. Weekly club bulletins were published regularly and we were the co-sponsor in organizing a seminar on swine flu, malaria and dengue at Lady Brabourne College with KMC and a Rotary Talent Search Chess Tournament on 19th & 20th September, 09 at Rotary Sadan.

4. A tailoring training centre and training of Zari works on silk and an adult education training is being conducted under the guidance of qualified trainers and teachers at Madhya Shibpur.

5. Sri Sanjoy Halder, a second year student of Electrical Engineering at Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management, Tollygunge, whose father is a rickshaw puller was sponsored the expenditure of books and the cost of this years examination fees.

6. Donation of Rs 10,000.00 and inauguration of the instrument required for Zari works on Silk commonly known as ‘dhadka’ was held on 5th Sept. at Madhya Shibpur.

7. On the 1st day of this Rotary year, the President and other members of the Club visited Udbhas, an NGO, which runs a school for the pavement children and slum children at the ground floor (the parking area) of the Income Tax Building at Dhakuria and the Club donated Exercise books, Pen & Pencils to the students of the school. The club has sponsored the expenditures of all the books of Ms. Mita Sarkar, a meritorious Class XI student from Udbhas, who is struggling for earning her bread too.

8. A program for the treatment of the elderly persons at R.C.C, Chowbaga was started. A medical camp was organized for the needy and elderly people and mothers of that area on 6th September 2009, where specialist doctors were present and appropriate diagnosis of ailment were done. Medicines and a follow up treatment strategy were taken up by the Club on a regular basis.

9. The Club has contributed monetary help along with clothes, dry food and water pouch through our two RCCs namely, Chowbaga and Madhya Shibpur for the Aila victims. Rs. 10,000.00 had been spent for this purpose.

10. RCCJ provided exercise books on 14th August prior to the 63rd Independence Day to 70 nos of underprivileged children of “South Kolkata Sevasree Sangha”, a registered nonprofit organization operating since 1989.

11. The club has donated Rs 5000 to a needy mother Sushmita Mukherjee for the treatment of his son, Master Babai who is suffering from ALL (Acute Leucocytic Leucomea.)

12. Wheel Chairs were distributed amongst disabled needy persons of Madhya Shibpur RCC Area on 5th September, 2009.

13. Naktala United Friend’s Club had organized ‘Garment distribution Program’ for poor people in their club premises on 18th September in which RCCJ donated many new garments for distribution.

14. Smt. Krishna Das, a very needy housewife suffering from ‘Breast Cancer’ had been sponsored the cost of 1 cycle of chemotherapy.

15. Our club resumed activities with Jadavpur Association and a sit & draw competition for small children and a Blood donation camp was organized and a felicitation program was also arranged for the members of Sr. Citizen Wing of The Jadavpur Association followed by interaction with the Sr. Citizens.

16. The eye check up camp was held at Chowbaga on 17th March 2010 from 11 am with the help of Eyecare & Research Centre in which 55 patients were present and 12 cataract operation cases and fifteen other patients were detected for treatment and sent to Eyecare Centre on 22nd March for necessary tests. The operations started from 24th March.

17. RCCJ had rendered financial support to the tune of Rs. 15,000/- to the deserving students from the families of WBSED employees enabling them to secure applaudable marks in their examinations.

18. We had 6 heart operation cases identified out of which the operation of Baby Sarthak Bose (5 months) & Baby Shreyashi Bag have been completed and the patient is recovering very fast.

19. The health check up camp and blood grouping detection camp was held on 9th June at Chowbaga and medicines were also distributed among the patients.

20. Chowbaga RCC and Chowbaga Subhechha Sangha had organized One day Football Tournament on 16th August as a regular yearly event and this time also R.C. Calcutta Jadavpur has sponsored the event and had donated Rs. 10,000/- for the prizes and other expenditures.

21. Football Coaching at Chowbaga is being continued this year also and about 40 players (boys) are getting regular coaching from the Centre under a coach who has played 1st division football at Kolkata.

22. ‘RAINBOW’, the talent hunt organized by Rotaractors was held on 30th August at ICCR. This program was sponsored by RCCJ and was designed and arranged to appreciate & encourage the hidden potential of underprivileged children.

23. On 12.03.2010, a gala event, “MOMENTS OF JOY” - SAP CARNIVAL was organized in memory of Late PDRR Joy Biswas for the hidden child labour at Joinpur, Garia. The RC Calcutta Jadavpur was one of the leading host clubs for this program, organised by Rotaract Clubs. Around 260 child female labours participated in this event.

24. Our Club had donated US$ 3000 to the R.I. Foundation.

2010-2011 President : Rtn. Partha Sarathi Sarkar
RI President Rtn. Ray Klingsmith’s message was a call to unite ourselves through his theme “Building Communities – Bridging Continents”. The club followed the same by organizing & joining the activities of the clubs of the Zone in a number of service projects. Fellowship of our club members was at it’s peak. Club picnic was held in February 2011 which was participated by members & their families. Their participation in Bijoya Meet and fellowship programmes of the club as well as the district was very encouraging. Number of joint meetings and programmes with the other clubs of Zone 20 was undertaken during the year, with great success. Weekly club bulletins were published regularly. One member joined the fraternity of the club. The club was privileged to have a number of guest speakers during the year. It would not be out of place to mention that the KYR series conducted during the year involving the club members aroused a lot of interest in the club members. The thrust area for the year being children, a host of projects were taken up involving children of Udbhash, Interact Club of Jadavpur at Rishi Aurobindo Balika Vidyapith, Ballygunge Govt. High School and Kholaghata School of Piyali and all of them were unique in their own way and got appreciated by all the members of the club. The landmark awareness programme on Juvenile Cancer got a special reference through the district authorities of Dist. 3291 and was duly acclaimed by none other than RIPE Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee and RI Director Rtn. K. R. Ravindran. The club sponsored 15 needy girl children and were given Rs.3,000/- each, as financial support for their education under the District Sukanya Upohar programme. A number of projects have been done under medical service viz. Mother & Child Care, free eye camps & eye surgeries and health check up camps etc. at RCCs. One heart surgery was successfully done of a child and the club received all the support needed from the district. The Rotaract Club of Jadavpur which was facing a crisis at the initial stages was duly rejuvenated by the club and it is now functioning to the satisfaction of all concerned. The members of the Rotaract Club are now participating and getting involved in all the major projects of the club with special reference to the project on pediatric cancer at Thakurpukur Cancer Hospital. The Interact Club at Rishi Aurobindo Balika Vidyapith was formally presented with the Charter during the year. The club was delighted to have our very own Rtn. Bhaskar Chanda attending the R. I. Convention at Montreal during June 20-23, 2010 and as usual it was a great occasion for the fellow members to enrich themselves about the developments in the Rotary world.

2011-2012 President : Rtn. Arindam Ghosh
This Rotary year there was a net membership growth of more than 10% at Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur. Their total membership strength 34, New members in 2011-12 were 4.

Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur have organized three fellowships meet during 2011-12.
a) Fellowship steamer cruise on Ganges.
b) Fellowship picnic at President’s residence.
c) 66391685Fellowship outing at Deulti.: 70% of our members and spouse participated.

The Club are publishing club bulletins regularly including last bulletin published on 7th May’2012. The Club also participated in all district events and co-sponsored two major events of district. Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur started computer centre at one of our R.C.C. Madhya Shibpur. Under their leadership programme at R.C.C Chowbhaga a knitting Schoolwassetup.To create awareness among its new members Rotary Club of Calcutta Jadavpur organized a 4-way test at Chakra Baithak. ABlind school at Baruipur students have been sponsored